Installing Drywall on Curved Walls: Techniques for a Smooth Finish

Installing drywall on curved walls can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor, as it adds a unique and aesthetically pleasing touch to interior spaces. Whether you’re working on a curved feature wall or an arched ceiling, it’s important to understand the techniques and considerations for achieving a professional-looking finish. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to install drywall on curved walls effectively, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing result.

Tools and Materials:

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Drywall sheets
  • Utility knife with sharp blades
  • Drywall T-Square
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil or marker
  • Flexible drywall corner bead (for curved corners)
  • Drywall screws
  • Drywall joint compound (mud)
  • Taping knives (6-inch and 12-inch)
  • Mud pan
  • Sandpaper or sanding block
  • Drywall lift (optional, for large curved areas)

Installing Drywall on Curved Walls:

Step 1: Measure and Plan

  1. Measure the curve: Use a tape measure to determine the dimensions and curvature of the wall or ceiling where you will install the drywall.
  2. Transfer measurements: Transfer the measurements to the drywall sheets, marking the desired curve using a pencil or marker. You may need to create multiple smaller cuts to follow the curve accurately.

Step 2: Cut the Drywall Sheets

  1. Score and snap: For slight curves, you can score the drywall sheets with a utility knife along the marked lines. Then, gently snap the sheet along the scored line.
  2. Multiple cuts: For more pronounced curves, make multiple small cuts along the marked curve, creating a series of tabs or slices that can be gently bent to match the curve.
  3. Test fit: Test fit the cut drywall pieces against the curved wall to ensure they align with the desired curvature.

Step 3: Install Flexible Corner Bead (for Curved Corners)

  1. Measure and cut corner bead: Measure the length of the curved corner and cut a piece of flexible drywall corner bead to fit.
  2. Attach corner bead: Apply a thin layer of joint compound to the corner and press the flexible corner bead into place. Ensure it follows the curve of the corner accurately.
  3. Embed the corner bead: Using a 6-inch taping knife, embed the corner bead by applying a layer of joint compound over it. Feather the edges to create a smooth transition.

Step 4: Secure the Drywall

  1. Position the drywall: Start at one end of the curved wall and position the cut drywall sheet against it. Ensure it aligns with the curvature and is level.
  2. Secure the drywall: Use drywall screws to attach the drywall sheet to the framing or studs, ensuring it is securely fastened along the curve.
  3. Repeat the process: Continue installing drywall sheets along the curved wall, making sure each sheet aligns with the previous one and follows the desired curve.

Step 5: Tape and Finish

  1. Tape the seams: Apply joint tape to the seams between the drywall sheets. Use a 6-inch taping knife to embed the tape in a thin layer of joint compound, feathering the edges for a smooth transition.
  2. Additional coats: Apply subsequent coats of joint compound, gradually widening the area covered with each coat. Feather the edges and allow each coat to dry before sanding.
  3. Sanding: Sand the drywall surface to create a smooth and even finish, taking care not to damage the curved areas.

Step 6: Prime and Paint

  1. Primer: Apply a coat of primer to the finished drywall surface. Primer helps create an even surface and improves paint adhesion.
  2. Paint: Once the primer is dry, apply your chosen paint according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a roller for large curved areas and a brush for edges and corners.
  3. Allow for drying time: Allow the primer and paint to dry thoroughly between coats, following the recommended drying times on the product labels.


Installing drywall on curved walls requires attention to detail, patience, and the right techniques to achieve a professional finish. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can successfully install and finish drywall on curved walls, adding a unique and visually appealing element to your interior spaces. Whether it’s a curved feature wall or an arched ceiling, mastering these techniques will help you achieve a smooth and polished result in your construction or renovation projects.

By Ionut

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